Ecclesia Church


As Ecclesia Church, we want to do our best to be there for people!
If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail to or fill out our contact form.

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    Do you want to stay up to date and be informed about news, events and happenings?

    Then sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    Pastoral Care

    We all go through crises and challenges. We want no one to have to cope with these times alone. Our Pastoral Care department would therefore like to offer support to those affected.

    Request: You can contact us using the form below and we will discuss ways to support you.

    Become part

    your next steps

    Lerne uns kennen

    Find out more about Ecclesia Church

    We would like to introduce ourselves to you.
    Find out what motivates us.

    Next Steps

    How do I become part of the church?

    The Bible shows us the value of Christian community. On the one hand, the church is a place
    where we worship God together. At the same time, we can also experience how we can develop and use our God-given potential.
    You can find out more at Next Steps.

    Dream Team

    Find out more about the dream team

    Church is not built on the talent of individuals alone, but on the willingness of many.
    Get to know our leadership and the team.