in the Ecclesia Church

Come and celebrate Christmas with us!

Christmas Eve service


Christmas Eve
Church service

2:00 pm and 3:30 pm
Family church service

Location: Karlsplatz 7
91522 Ansbach

  • No children’s service at the location
  • Parent-child room with
    live streaming


Christmas Eve
Church service

2:30 pm
Family church service

Location: Bohlenplatz 1
91054 Erlangen

  • No children’s service at the location
  • Parent-child room with
    live streaming


Christmas Eve
Church service

2:00 pm and 3:30 pm
Family church service

Location: Frauentorgraben 11, 90443 Nürnberg

  • Children’s service for Schatzsucher (3-6 years)
  • Parent-child room with
    live streaming

Christmas in the Ecclesia

You also have the opportunity to experience the Christmas service online.
You will soon find more information about the times of the service here.

Romans 12:13
“Be hospitable and open your home
to guests.”

We as Ecclesia love community! At Christmas, we want to open our homes and celebrate together so that no one has to be alone. If you would like to invite people from the community to your Christmas party at your home, please register here.

If you are alone and would like to join a Christmas party, you can find all registered hosts here:

Learn more

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Lerne uns kennen

Find out more about Ecclesia Church

We would like to introduce ourselves to you.
Find out what motivates us.

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Wie geht es weiter?

Steps of faith

Each of us is in a different place in his relationship with God. As a church, we want to make sure that everyone can take their next step of faith.

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Du machst einen Unterschied


The generosity of people in the church is helping
to create more opportunities for people
to experience a life-changing relationship with
Jesus, there is no greater impact
we could make together.